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Avoiding Spoilage: How Long Do Sweet Potatoes Last?

Sweet potatoes are one of the most loved edible roots in the world.

With its origins from Central or South America, sweet potatoes have been dispersed all around the world since the 1500s.

It is sometimes called yam, but botanically, they are very different from genuine yams.

Sweet potatoes, according to BerkeleyWellness, are edible roots and not tubers like the common potatoes. The sweetness of sweet potatoes comes from an enzyme that converts the starch present in the roots into sugar.

In addition to its great taste, sweet potatoes, like other root vegetables, are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

When then, does it become less nutritious? Do sweet potatoes go bad?

They warns us that eating bad sweet potatoes can lead to serious health issues as they become poisonously contaminated with Ceratocystis Fimbriata (source).

Continue reading to find out when a sweet potato has gone bad.

Do Sweet Potatoes Go Bad? How Long Do Sweet Potatoes Last?


Yes, sweet potatoes do go bad. The question is, how long do sweet potatoes last?

The answers to this question differ depending on if it is fresh or cooked. Storing them in the fridge and freezer also have different shelf lives.

RealSimple has some valuable information to share with us regarding the period after which sweet potatoes become unsafe for consumption.

Raw sweet potatoes can last for one month if stored in a cool, dark, and dry pantry. Easy air circulation is necessary to increase the shelf life of this root.

After cutting the sweet potato and refrigerating, it lasts for three to five days. You should not refrigerate whole raw sweet potatoes.

As for cooked and cut sweet potatoes, they can last up to six months in the freezer. Raw sweet potatoes do not do well in the freezer.

According to experts, an unopened can of sweet potatoes can last for one year; however, once opened and exposed to the atmosphere, the canned sweet potatoes can last up to seven days in the fridge.

If you want your sweet potatoes to last for a long time, it is best to purchase properly cured units.

Storing them in the fridge is not recommended because the air inside affects the taste of sweet potatoes. A little spray of lemon juice can keep the cut pieces from oxidizing too quickly.

You should store cooked sweet potatoes only in the freezer inside an airtight container. Placing a paper towel with the cooked pieces helps in avoiding moisture build-up.

How to Tell If Sweet Potatoes are Bad? Sweet Potatoes Shelf Life!


We should not eat or prepare food with sweet potatoes, which have started to go bad because it harms our health.

According to an article written in TheGuardian, UK, spoiled sweet potatoes contains enough toxin content to kill even cows.

Unlike green vegetables like brussel sprouts and green beans, which are easy to figure out if they have gone bad by just seeing the colour, sweet potatoes may need your sense of touch.

Much like butternut squashes, you may need to touch or cut the sweet potato to see if it has gone bad.

Look for these signs to identify whether a sweet potato has gone bad:

  • Sweet potatoes start to become soft once they grow old. Undiscarded units turn mushy and give off a bad smell.
  • Wrinkles on the skin of the sweet potato is also a sign that the vegetable will no longer taste good.
  • If the sweet potato starts to change its colour into brown or black, you should throw it out.

The reason why sweet potatoes go bad is usually only because of its natural aging process. Moisture and wrong storage methods speed up the rotting process.


Do Sweet Potatoes Go Bad? How Long Do Sweet Potatoes Last?

5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Shelf Life
Servings 1 Serving


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Air-tight containers or Ziplock bags
  • Labels and markers


  • Read the guide thoroughly to learn how long it lasts.
  • Label your container with the content and date and keep track of how much you’re using!
  • Make sure to store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place (pantry or fridge).
  • If frozen, thaw in the fridge before use. Always check for signs of spoilage before using.
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