Prosecco is a sparkling wine that originates from Italy.
It is traditionally served cold and paired with light, summery dishes like seafood or salads.
This drink has grown in popularity over the last few years because of its easy to enjoy.
Prosecco has been around for centuries, but how long does prosecco last?
We will answer this question by talking about how to store your prosecco so you can enjoy it for as long as possible.
How to Store Prosecco?

Prosecco is a sparkling wine made in Veneto, Italy.
It is best served chilled and stored upright to avoid cork deterioration that can cause sediment buildup.
Prosecco has the same shelf life as other wines; it’s important to note that its flavor changes with age, so drink often.
It’s best to store Prosecco in a cool, dark place.
The ideal spot is an area that’s not subject to extremes in temperature or light exposure.
A wine cabinet works well for this as it will maintain the desired climate and protect the bottles from UV rays if you have one with glass doors.
The temperature should be between 50°F and 60°F; anything below 40°F could cause the cork to dry out, affecting its integrity.
Prosecco is more sensitive than other wines because of its higher level of sugar content.
Don’t store your Prosecco on top of any refrigerator where there are frequent temperature changes, as both heat and cold can adversely affect flavor over time.
If you do opt for less climate-controlled storage space, at least put it in the fridge for a few hours before serving to help stabilize its temperature.
How to Pair with Prosecco?
The delicious pairing possibilities are endless with Prosecco.
From light and juicy summer fruits to rich, full-bodied cheeses, there is a food that will suit your palate.
The key is to match the sweetness of the dish and its acidity levels—a balance between sweet and sour flavors brings out the best in both dishes.
Start with Champagne or any of the varieties of Prosecco on offer.
These are best served in flutes because they are particularly aromatic and light-bodied wines that can be enjoyed either as an apéritif before dinner or as a drink to accompany fine food.
When pairing your meal with Prosecco, you don’t have to limit yourself to Italian cuisine.
Prosecco is also wonderful when paired with Indian curries such as a classic chicken tikka masala dish.
The crisp sweetness complements the heat from spices like ginger and cayenne pepper nicely.
Try serving sparkling wine alongside goat cheese if you’re looking for something rich and creamy but still refreshing.
A delicate, slightly sweet goat cheese will pair nicely with the acidic aspects of Prosecco.
It’s important to note that if you’re not a fan of sparkling wine on its own, it may be wise to consider pairing your brunch or lunch dishes with white wines for balance and complexity.
How Long Does Prosecco Last?
Prosecco is a sparkling dry white wine.
Sparkling wines can last as long as Champagne and have the same shelf life, but they do not need to be refrigerated like other types of wine.
Prosecco has an excellent aroma that is fruity with floral notes.
Here are some other tips for keeping your Prosecco fresh:
- Enjoy a bottle within one week of opening.
- Keep bottles upright (do not store on their side) and away from light.
- Prosecco is best served chilled at 45°F, but it should be poured into the glass without swirling or shaking to avoid drawing out excessive sediment in the bottom of the bottle.
- Do not cellar opened wine as too much air will cause oxidation that can change both tastes and smell over time.
If left unopened, Prosecco will last for two years from the date on which it was bottled.
Enjoy bottles within three to four days after opening, as the wine will start to oxidize and loses its flavor and aroma.
If you can’t finish a bottle in three to four days, re-cork it with an airtight stopper or cork (found at any wine store).
Do not refrigerate Prosecco because chilling will cause bubbles to diminish over time, as well as dulling its taste.
How to Tell if Prosecco is Bad?
Like most wines, Prosecco is not meant to be stored for more than one year after the date of purchase.
To see if your bottle has gone bad, you will need to examine it carefully.
First and foremost, check the label on the neck of your wine.
If this reads “Best by Date” or something similar (e.g., a bottling date), then that’s all we have left when it comes to assessing whether or not our drink is still good enough to consume.
Suppose there is no such information on either the front or back labels (though some wines are labeled only in Italian).
In that case, the chances are high that its quality might have undergone an imperceptible change since its making process began months ago — but the good news is that it will never go rancid.
Next, you’ll want to check the bottle’s clarity and color; if they seem murky or brown, respectively, then chances are high your wine has gone bad.
You can also use a clean cloth by wiping around the neck of the bottle in question to assess how much sediment there might be at its bottom.
After all, this would clue us in on whether or not our drink was properly stored (or aged) before we opened it.
So, if you have reason to believe that your Prosecco might be bad, don’t hesitate to throw the bottle away and get another one.
You’ll want to practice this same caution with all other wines as well — even reds like Pinot Noir (which may only last a couple of months after opening).
How Long Does Prosecco Last? Does Prosecco Go Bad?
- Prosecco
- Air-tight containers
- Labels and markers
- Read the guide thoroughly to learn how long it lasts.
- Label your container with the content and date and keep track of how much youu0026#x27;re using!
- Make sure to store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place (pantry or fridge).