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Tangy Delight: What Does Kiwi Fruit Taste Like?

When it comes to picking the right delicious and juicy fruits, several options are available in the market.

However, we usually tend to opt for the same fruits, such as apples, bananas, or oranges, every time we visit the grocery.

No doubt, these fruits have several nutritional values. But are you bored of having the same fruits every day?

If yes, then we introduce you to Kiwi. It is a trendy fruit widely consumed throughout the world.

You can not only eat this fruit but also use it as a garnish for your dishes. Besides, even its seeds are edible.

In this article, we will discuss all the essential aspects of Kiwi. Most importantly, we will answer the question, “What does Kiwi taste like.”

Continue reading to know more about this fruit.

What is Kiwi?

what is kiwi

Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry is a small fruit that comes with a unique flavor and soft texture.

The fruit, including the tiny, black seeds, and light brown skin, is edible. Apart from its unique flavor, Kiwi is an excellent source of nutrition.

Its place of origin is from China, where the Chinese mainly used it for medicinal purposes.

It was only in 1904 that a school principal brought this fruit to New Zealand. During this time, the New Zealander referred to this fruit as Chinese gooseberry.

Eventually, they changed the name to Kiwi on seeing the demand for this fruit. Today, New Zealand is the primary producer of Kiwi.

What Does Kiwi Taste Like? Does Kiwi Taste Good?

what does kiwi taste like

Kiwi is a fruit that has brown skin with fuzzy hairs. But do not let this look deceive you because the inner part makes this fruit stand out.

When you cut the fruit, you will notice that it has a juicy and soft texture that is green and white.

According to Britannica, Kiwi has a slightly acid flavor, making it suitable to use as a meat tenderizer.

However, ripe Kiwis have a sweet, refreshing taste with less tartness. Besides, you can either eat it raw or cooked, based on your desired flavor.

Nutritional Value of Kiwi:

Apart from the sweet, refreshing flavor, Kiwi contains a rich amount of nutritional values, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, folate, fiber, and antioxidants.

According to MedicalNewsToday, a 69-gram of Kiwi contains:

  • 42.1 calories.
  • 2.1-gram of fiber.
  • 10.1-gram of carbohydrates.
  • 64mg of vitamin C.
  • 1.0mg of vitamin E.
  • 27.8mcg of vitamin K.
  • 11.7mg of magnesium.
  • 215mg of potassium.
  • 23.5mg of phosphorous.
  • 23.5mg of calcium.
  • 17.2mcg of folate.

From the above data, it is clear that Kiwi can provide various health benefits. One of them relates to an improved digestive system.

The presence of fiber in Kiwi improves the overall bowel movement, thereby reducing constipation.

Another benefit of eating Kiwi is that it improves your respiratory health. It is because this fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is an essential antioxidant.

Besides, vitamin C can strengthen your immune system and boost the appearance of your skin.

Additionally, if you are looking for a natural way to minimize your high blood pressure, you should consider eating Kiwi.

How to Eat Kiwi?

kiwi recipes to try

This fruit is versatile, meaning you can eat it in different ways. Based on your choice, you can eat Kiwi either raw or cook.

One way to enjoy raw Kiwi is by mixing it with other fruits to create a salad.

But you can also eat it plain by cutting it into slices without adding different fruits.

Besides, you can slice the fruit and use it as a top for almost any dish.

When it comes to cooking Kiwi, there are some recipes that you can say no to.

One of them is Kiwi cobbler, which calls for ingredients, such as muffin mix, brown sugar, a dash of nutmeg, flour, lemon juice, and some Kiwi. 

Once you have cooked these ingredients, you can serve it along with yogurt or ice cream.


does kiwi taste good

Kiwi is a versatile fruit rich in several nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, fiber, potassium, and calcium.

Besides, you can enjoy the fruit either raw or cook.

When it comes to the flavor, it has a sweet, refreshing taste with a pleasant tartness.

But if you want the fruit to be sweeter, then we recommend buying ripen Kiwis.

what does kiwi taste like

What Does Kiwi Taste Like? Does Kiwi Taste Good?

5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Food Taste
Servings 1 Serving



  • Depending on the recipes you choose, the taste can vastly differ.
  • For authentic results, it is important to choose a recipe that will highlight the original flavor.
  • Have fun experimenting with different recipes and taste tests!
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