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The Truth about Bleach: What It Actually Tastes Like

Are you also wondering what does bleach taste like? Household bleach has a lot of uses.

It is good for disinfecting surfaces and removing stains.

Adding bleach to water is a great way of making it safe to use.

Nonetheless, there is a reason there’s a poison symbol on bleach containers, as well as a warning to keep away from pets and children.

In this article, we will discuss some more essential information about bleach, including how it tastes like, as well as the reasons why you should never drink it!

Read on to learn about these!

What Is Bleach?


Bleach is actually the generic name for whatever chemical product that is utilized domestically and industrially in cleaning, in order to lighten hair color, as well as to remove stains (source).

Specifically, it frequently refers to a dilute sodium solution, also known as liquid bleach.

The active ingredient in bleach is the salt-based chemical compound known as sodium hypochlorite –a fairly clear liquid, which is diluted with water and is used in killing bacteria, viruses, & fungi.

However, this chemical compound is corrosive or can destroy the human tissue (source).

Moreover, the ordinary bleach is 5.25% sodium hypochlorite in water.

Supplementary chemicals might also be added, more especially if the bleach is scented.

Some of the formulations of bleach are also sold having a lower concentration of sodium hypochlorite.

What Does Bleach Taste Like? Does Bleach Taste Good?


First and foremost, you should not even consider trying to find what does bleach taste like.

Remember, all bleach is poisonous. If you don’t die from it, you’ll burn the surface of your esophagus.

In the actual fact, bleach actually tastes as it smells and will make your mouth feel like plastic.

It tastes like an extremely concentrated swimming pool water.

It’s really salty and has a real kick to it. Needless to say, it burns in the mouth.

A fascinating side effect of tasting bleach aside from burning a layer of your mouth cells is that you will also lose your sense of taste completely.

You will just get it back over the next 24 hours.

Furthermore, some even say that when you try tasting a bleach, it could remind you of sulfuric acid (source). It will both hurt and burn bad!

And when you do try it, just don’t ever swallow, rinse your mouth with water or milk, as soon as possible.

Bear in mind, it is a poison, you should never ever taste it. Do you want to be more convinced? Keep on reading!

Why You Should Never Drink Bleach Directly?


The first and the main reason why you should never drink bleach is that it is a poison.

Sodium hypochlorite is mainly used in removing stains and disinfecting stuff as it is an oxidizing agent (source).

When you inhale the vapors or swallow bleach, it will oxidize your cell tissues.

Moreover, a mild exposure from the inhalation may result in stinging eyes, coughing, and a burning throat.

Since it’s highly corrosive, touching bleach may also cause chemical burns on the hands, unless you wash it off instantly.

Furthermore, if you drink it, it will burn or oxidize tissues in the mouth, stomach, and esophagus.

It can actually cause chest pain, delirium, potential death, comatose, lowered blood sugar, and nausea (source).

Final Thought

That’s it! We hope that you are satisfied with our answer to what does bleach taste like.

And we also hope that you loved the other information that we included. 

Remember, do not ever try tasting bleach –it’s poisonous and you may die from doing it!

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